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Robert C. Clay, Jr., DDS, Ltd.

Happy Halloween

October 31, 2021
Posted By: Robert Clay

It has been a little while since we posted on here.  We hope everyone is having a safe and happy 2021.  Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays.  It is fun for kids and adults alike to dress up and just have fun with whatever they decide to be.  This year, for once, I didn’t dress up as I didn’t have any parties to go to, and was busy making sure my little guy had the best Halloween he could.  He is obsessed with volcanoes, and this year he wanted to be a volcano….not just any volcano…but he wanted to be Mt. Vesuvius.  He loves the history of the Mt. Vesuvius and it’s destruction of Pompeii.  He is only 5, but he would rather watch documentaries on volcanoes than kids shows.  I’ve learned words like “stratovolcano,” “volcanologists,” and “pyroclastic flow.”  It’s been a fun and educational year for me.  Here is a taste of his costume this year…Mt. Vesuvius. 





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